Forschungsinstitut für
Spiritualität und Gesundheit

Research Institute for
Spirituality and Health

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Cooperative Projects

Current Cooperative Projects

For German projects visit the German website

Since Project Description Partner Institutions
2023   The Potential of Machine-Learning-based Techniques to Enhance Cardiovascular Risk Prediction - A UK Biobank Study University of Basel, Swiss Heart Foundation

Cooperation in education and research

Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Paraná (Brasilien), University of Bern & RISH


Completed Cooperative Projects (Selection)

For German projects visit the German website

Year Project Description Partner Institutions
2022 - 2024   Do Positive Psychosocial Factors contribute to the Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease? A Machine Learning Approach based on a National Cohort Study University of Basel, Swiss Heart Foundation
2020 - 2023 NaTel-Study Telephone-administered cognitive-behavioral relapse prevention for patients with chronic and recurrent depression: A multi-center randomized clinical trial Clinic SGM Langenthal, RISH, University of Zurich, various Swiss and German clinics and hospitals
Spiritual Care in Chronic Pain Interdisciplinary research project for inter professional praxis in medicine and patient care University of Zurich, RISH, various Swiss clinics and hospitals
Coping under stress Comparative study about stress responsiveness of "only-spiritual", "religious-spiritual" and "secular" people University of Innsbruck, RISH

Psychiatric illness and psychological stress

Cortisol, cardiovascular parameters, religiosity as a moderator variable Clinik SGM Langenthal & RISH